Early treatment
Early orthodontic treatment for your young child can help ensure a healthy smile as they grow.
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Shawna was treated with a bluegrass appliance. This helped Kelly stop her thumb sucking habit and her open bite closed naturally.
Erika benefited from a palate expansion in order to correct the bilateral posterior crossbite
Alex had an interior crossbite, he was treated with a reverse headgear in conjunction with an expander. His anterior and posterior crossbites were corrected. His facial balance and harmony were improved.
Sophie was treated with an expander and a reverse pull headgear. This corrected her anterior crossbite and provided her with an improved upper lip support (that can be noticed from the profile view) Her bite was also improved.
Sophie was treated with an expander and a reverse pull headgear. This corrected her anterior crossbite and provided her with an improved upper lip support (that can be noticed from the profile view) Her bite was also improved.
Sara was treated with partial braces to improve the alignment of her upper front teeth. This helped Sara with her smile confidence during critical years in her social development.
Early treatment for your child is for correcting developmental problems that include skeletal, muscular or dentoalveolar imbalances. Straightening their teeth now helps eliminate the need for corrective surgery and additional orthodontic treatment later on.
Phase One treatment involves early treatment for your child to help their jaw develop properly to accommodate their teeth. It also helps them maintain a proper bite so that they can avoid more serious orthodontic treatment in the future. Phase One can include certain orthodontic appliances such as a palatal expander.
There will be a resting phase between Phase One and Two to allow your child’s jaw to develop on its own. We will monitor their progress to ensure things are developing properly.
Phase Two typically includes orthodontic appliances, such as braces, during adolescence to straighten their smile and align their bite. We will also provide a retainer for your child afterward to ensure their teeth do not shift back into their previous position.
A palatal expander will do just that: expand the palate so that your child’s mouth has more room for their teeth to grow. This will also help accommodate secondary teeth as they erupt.
It is recommended that your child comes in for their first orthodontic appointment at age 7 so that we can determine whether they need early treatment. We encourage you to schedule their visit at Children & Family Dentistry & Braces with our orthodontists.
If it has been determined that your child needs early orthodontic treatment, we can assure you that there are many advantages that will help them in the long run. We can help decide when treatment should begin during your child’s initial screening at 7 years old, based on diagnoses of their oral development.
Having early orthodontic treatment at such a young age allows our orthodontists to guide erupting teeth into the proper position and detect any potential problems before they become more serious and require more corrective care. Early treatment allows us to:
We will discuss your child’s options with you on whether they may need early treatment and which oral appliances and treatments may be best for their case. Schedule your child’s initial screening today by contacting our office.
We believe that everyone deserves to receive quality dental care tailored to their individual needs. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment and receive personalized, comprehensive care!