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Feel at ease during your dental treatment with general anesthesia.

Questions & answers

General anesthesia

What is general anesthesia?

General anesthesia is a type of medicine used to induce sleep if you have a difficult time receiving treatment. This can be administered as an injection or inhaled through a mask to help you feel more at ease while we perform the care you need.

When is general anesthesia recommended?

Our dentists may recommend general anesthesia if:

  • A patient struggles to relax
  • A patient has a disability or special needs and has a difficult time following given directions
  • Extensive work is being performed

Will I be in pain after my surgery?

During your surgical procedure, we may combine general anesthesia with a local anesthetic to minimize your discomfort while the anesthesia wears off.

General anesthesia

What is general anesthesia?

If you are undergoing extensive dental work or have a difficult time receiving treatment, our dentists may highly recommend general anesthesia. This is a safe and effective medicine we use to induce sleep so we can easily perform the care you need without any discomfort. Contact Children & Family Dentistry & Braces today if you have any questions before you meet with us.

What is the goal of general anesthesia?

General anesthesia is safely administered by a trained professional with an injection in the arm or by inhalation with a mask. This is often paired with a local anesthesia to avoid feelings of numbness following your procedure. We may recommend general anesthesia when:

  • A child cannot feel relaxed or calm down
  • The procedure is difficult to perform when the patient is awake
  • A patient has a disability or special needs and struggles to be cooperative
  • A patient needs multiple dental treatments done in one visit

Our team will provide you with pre- and post-op instructions about eating and drinking before your procedure. Please be sure to follow these instructions as closely as possible to ensure your procedure goes smoothly.

If you have questions about general anesthesia, please contact our office.

Contact us

We believe that everyone deserves to receive quality dental care tailored to their individual needs. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment and receive personalized, comprehensive care!